Friday, April 22, 2011

Doing it in Public

Doing It In Public is a gathering of like minded fiber folk who want to share their interests. They meet several times a month at various Barnes and Noble stores in the northwest area. This month they happen to be meeting at the one not 5 minutes from my house, so I had to attend. Only problem was i still had almost two weeks left of driving restrictions. So I did what any good fiber person would do, bribed a friend to come along and drive. Fortunately Rene is a stamper and had expressed a desire to learn to knit before, so I didn't feel too guilty asking her. And most importantly a good sport.

We only planned to stay an hour, meet everyone, check out all the cool projects people are working on (my favorite part) and see how things went. The women we met were great, super friendly and very supportive of Rene's first knitting attempt. Yes that is her in the pic knitting like a pro, so proud of her.

An hour goes by. We are having fun chatting, knitting and getting to know the group. Rene is still knitting away so we decide to stay a bit longer. Next thing we know they are starting to close up the cafe and it's time to go home. On the way out one of the women complemented me on my teaching style, saying I was a very good patient teacher. This was especially cool since there were several real teachers there, some were even teaching at the Midwest fiber and folk fest coming up in June.

As we are driving home Rene says "so you want to go back again for next weeks meeting?" I just smile and say sure. She's hooked, it will be fun to watch her progress as a knitter as well as a stamper.